Top 5 Most Popular Posts of 2019

general Dec 15, 2019

Another year done! I can say this year has been absolutely insane. We’ll start with the most popular posts of the year, then you can scroll down for a general recap of the year.


1- Top 10 Best New Features in Revit 2020

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Our guides to new Revit releases are always quite a hit. The most interesting new feature in Revit 2020 was probably the Path of Travel tool.


2- 8 Tips To Create Beautiful Drawings In Revit

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To celebrate the release of our DESIGN package, we created a post that showcase a project provided by a user: Wolfgang Sirtl. We explore how to take a Revit project and quickly create beautiful views.


3- 13 Beginner Mistakes To Avoid In Revit

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Beginner often commit the same mistakes over and over again. In this guide, we explore these mistakes and provide solutions to avoid them.


4- 11 Tips To Create Interior Finishes In Revit

Click here to read the post

There are many ways to create interior finishes drawings in Revit. Most of them are terrible and inefficient. After years of experimentation and trying different systems, we found the best way to create finishes plan.


5- 13 Tips To Understand Line Weights In Revit

Click here to read the post 

Architects often criticize the ugly, boring and flat drawings produced by Revit. It is a legitimate criticism. The out-of-the-box line weights settings are bad and they are not easy to customize. The goal of this post is to teach you everything you need to know to adjust all the line weights options in your projects, giving you the power to create the best lines hierarchy in town.



General Stats

2019 was an epic year for Revit Pure. Here are some fun stats for the year (as of December 16th):

  • 382k unique visitors

  • 767k page views

  • 7 800 new email subscribers

  • 254k views on YouTube

  • 554 learning packages sold



DESIGN Package Release

On January 17th, we released the new DESIGN package. I had been working on that package for almost 2 years, so I was a little anxious to see how it would be doing. I’m glad to say it was an absolute success.

Speaking at BILT Conference

In June 2018, I released an exhaustive blog post about coordinates. It became one of the most visited blog posts on this website. It also became one of the most controversial, as I’ve received a lot of emails and comments telling me how wrong some of my tips were. I realized this was a pretty substantial topic and decided to expand my research and submit a session for BILT North America conference in Seattle. It was accepted.

This was my first time speaking at BILT, in a foreign language (I’m French-Canadian), for 75 minutes in front of a record crowd of 160 people for the very last session of the conference. So how did it go? Pretty well! I would love to go back at the conference next year, which will be in San Diego.




 Our BASICS package was initially released in 2017. An update was overdue! BASICS 2020 was released in September and also had a great popular success.



Green Friday

Instead of boring black friday, we decided to celebrate Green Friday this year. 25% of the sale profits went to Eden Reforestation Projects. This non-profit hires local villagers in countries facing extreme poverty and deforestation to plant trees. With a donation of $1,315 that’s enough to plant between 3750 and 13150 trees.


Pamphlets Released in 2019

We released 4 new pamphlets this year. You can use the link below to download the pamphlets:

    • Pamphlet #11 Winter 2019 - Finishes
    • Pamphlet #12 Spring 2019 - Line Weights
    • Pamphlet #13 Summer 2019 - Doors
    • Pamphlet #14 Fall 2019 - Shared Sites



What's up in 2020?

I accepted a part-time 6 weeks teaching position at a local Quebec City college. I’ll get the chance to teach 17 students on advanced BIM strategies!

I can announce that the new package will be called MANAGE. Creating this package will be a massive undertaking, so I will refrain to announce a release date for the moment.

I want to reexplore the topics of renderings and VR. The rendering tools keep getting better and better. We’ll see if my personal favorites tools are still the best out there.

Let me know what you would like to be covered in 2020! The blog will take a break until January. A new pamphlet is ready to be launched early next year. 


Thanks to all of you for your support! Happy celebrations! See you soon.


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