Top 5 Most Popular Blog Posts of 2018

general Dec 18, 2018

2018 is almost done! A huge thank you to everyone that supported the Revit Pure project during that time. Here are the top 5 most popular blog posts released this year.


1- Top 10 Best New Features in Revit 2019

Click here to read the post

Our brief but efficient guide to the new features of Revit 2019 was very popular this year. The best new feature is by far the double pattern, which is incredibly helpful to properly do phasing graphics.


2- 3 Boring Revit Tasks to Automate With Dynamo

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People are curious and excited about Dynamo. Who doesn't like automation? In this post, we got some help from Michael Kilkelly at to explain in a very simple way what is Dynamo and how to create a few basic scripts.


3- 13 Tips to Understand Revit Base Point and Coordinate System

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This was probably the most exhausting blog post I ever created. The topic is insanely complicated. The good news is that this guide breaks down this complex topic until it becomes easy to understand.


4- 13 Tips to Create a Great Revit Template

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What are the most important features to include inside your custom Revit template? Check this post to find out.


5- 6 Tips to Create Efficient Plan Notes in Revit

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The way you create plan notes in Revit is probably inefficient and terrible. Find out how to create great plan notes in this guide.


Other great things happened in 2018. We released a standalone version of the Revit Pure BASICS Template, which has been a huge success. We also released 3 new seasonal pamphlets: Plan NotesCoordinates and Scope Boxes. You will find a link to download these pamphlets at the bottom of each of these blog posts.

2018 was a crazy year for Revit Pure. Here are some random 2018 statistics:

  • 221 688 unique visitors

  • 451 535 page views

  • 5 864 new email subscribers

  • 294 BASICS package sale

  • 138 700 views on YouTube


What is next in 2019? The year will start bigly with the release of the DESIGN package on January 17th. Then, the BASICS package will be fully updated with the upcoming Revit 2020 release. This update will be free for everyone who purchased a copy of the current version.

2018 was mostly focused on creating the DESIGN package, which was fun… but a very introverted experience. Next year, more time will be allocated to explore different topics on the blog and connect to the community. I also plan on attending more BIM conferences.


Thank you so much for your support. Happy new year!

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