Top 10 Best New Features in Revit 2025
Apr 02, 2024
I can't say I am impressed with the new version of Revit. Revit 2024 was a good release with the new toposolid, dark theme, new sample and new template.
In comparison, there are no major features in Revit 2025. It's mostly about slight improvements to existing tools. Still, there is some good stuff in there.
I have lots of questions about the future of Revit. It is unclear to me if it is even a priority for Autodesk anymore. But I'll keep this for another post.
Keep in mind that these are general and architectural features. Check out Autodesk release notes for more information about MEP and Structure features.
Alright, let's get going!
IN REVIT 2024: In Revit families, arrays of 0 or 1 elements break. To solve the issue, you have to use annoying workarounds with formulas.
IN REVIT 2025: You can now create an array of 0 or 1 elements! The family will not break. In the family editor, you will see a preview in gray line of the 1st and 2nd elements if the array is 0 or 1, but they’ll be invisible once loaded in the project.
Limitations: This doesn’t work when creating an array inside of a project. It only works in families.
IN REVIT 2024: You have to cut toposolids with voids. Excavation data is inaccurate.
IN REVIT 2025: When a toposolid is selected, you can “excavate” it with a floor, building pad, roof, and toposolid.
Let’s say you have a building with a basement slab. Well, you don’t have to model a void or building pad anymore. You can simply use the Excavate tool and select the floor:
The same toposolid can be excavated by multiple elements.
Individual Excavation Volume: When the toposolid is selected, you can view the excavation volume of the different elements:
Elements cutting the toposolid will have an “Excavation Volume on Toposolid” parameter. This can be scheduled.
Finally, you can unexcavate if you change your mind.
This is all good, but I wish you could “excavate” a toposolid with a subdivision. That would make the process of modeling roads much easier.
When placing points in toposolid, use the new Snap XYZ option. The name is a bit confusing: this is used to snap to Z. Snap to XY is already enabled by default.
You can snap to any point and line. For example, you could create a point that matches the height of another element, such as a floor.
You can set offsets to snaps. For example, you could place points 3 feet below the top of a wall. This is only available when editing toposolids.
In addition, there is another option called Snap to Editor Points and Lines. In previous versions, this was on by default.
If this is active, you can place points on ridges and points of the toposolid. If inactive, you can’t snap to these elements anymore.
This only affects points and lines of the toposolid you are currently editing. This doesn’t affect snapping to other elements.
IN REVIT 2024: When bringing an older file that includes toposurfaces into Revit 2024, you could upgrade the toposurface into a toposolid. However, the building pads were ignored.
IN REVIT 2025: When converting a toposurface into a toposolid, building pads will now be included.
Important note: For this new feature to work, you are forced to keep the old toposurface.
IN REVIT 2024: When placing a family on a cut toposolid, the family is... randomly placed? It doesn’t recognize the faces that have been cut from the toposolid.
IN REVIT 2025: Face-based families properly recognize faces of cut toposolids. That means you can place trees in holes.
IN REVIT 2024: If a shaft touches a toposolid, the entire toposolid is cut. Even if the bottom of the shaft is above the bottom of the toposolid.
IN REVIT 2025: Shaft now properly works on toposolids. They will cut to the bottom of the shaft instead of the entire toposolid.
This option allows toposolids to appear more “smooth” in 3D views. This is a visual setting: it doesn’t actually affect the geometry.
To activate it, go to the Massing & Site tab. Check the Toposolid Smooth Shading option.
You can see the comparison below. The toposolid seems more natural. If active, the surface patterns of the materials are removed. This doesn’t have an effect in Hidden Line style.
For the 1% of Revit users who commonly use the Massing features, you can now create a Toposolid by face. This tool is located in the Massing & Site tab.
Pick the face of a massing element. A wild toposolid appears! It even includes the contour lines.
IN REVIT 2024: To align annotation elements such as text, tags, and keynotes, you have to move them manually. Alternatively, you can use the free “Align” plugin by BIM 42.
IN REVIT 2025: When you select multiple annotation elements (text, tags, keynotes), you will see align options in the contextual tab. In this example, we quickly align the text, tag, and keynote to the left.
Evenly space annotations: In addition to aligning the text on the left, center, and right sides, you can use this tool to distribute the selection equally. That means keeping an even space between the annotations.
Limitations: These features only work with annotation elements. You cannot use them with 3D elements such as walls or lines. For that, you’ll have to use the Align plugin by BIM42.
IN REVIT 2024: Sheets cannot have the same number. To organize sheets together in the project browser, you have to use classification parameters.
IN REVIT 2025: You can now create a new “collection” of sheets. This is similar to creating an organization parameter with one bonus feature. You can have sheets with the same number!
Start by right-clicking on the sheets icon and creating a new collection.
You will see the collection in the project browser with this icon. In the instance properties, give a name to that collection. For example, Bob’s Collection.
After creating the collection, you can assign sheets to specific collections in the instance properties.
Here comes the magic part: if sheets are in different collections, they can have the same sheet number! So, you could have sheet A101 in both Bob’s Collection and Nancy’s Collection.
Maybe Bob and Nancy are working on the same project, but they want to be able to have to own set of plans with different annotations.
A more likely scenario: there are multiple submissions in a project, and you want to have the same sheets but with slightly different information.
The Sheet Collection parameter can be included in schedules, including sheet lists. This means you can use collections to group or filter schedules.
Dynamo new releases aren’t synced to Revit releases except for Revit-specific nodes. If you are using Revit 2024.2, you should already have access to these Dynamo improvements from version 3.03.
Searching for nodes in Dynamo has always been a pain. It has been significantly improved in the new version. There is also “typo tolerance” in search so that you can have a typo in your search, and it will still work.
Nodes from custom packages are purple when zoomed out. Also, the custom package name shows up when hovering.
Creating custom Python script nodes? You can edit the script in a dockable window. Press the icon below on your script, and it will dock.
Working with Revit links in Dynamo has always been suboptimal and complicated. The team added new nodes related to links to select elements specifically in linked models.
Use these new nodes to interact with toposolids.
There are even more great new features, check out Dynamo blog.
IN REVIT 2024: Profile for mullions can only contain a single loop.
IN REVIT 2025: Profiles for mullions can include multiple loops. This means you can have a thickness value inside the mullion, which was previously impossible.
In addition, you can have profile loops that are not connected together. However, the different loops cannot have different materials.
IN REVIT 2024: Wall wrap settings are set in the type properties.
IN REVIT 2025: When wrapping is activated for the wall in the type properties, you have access to an icon that activate/deactivate the wrapping for one of the end.
Limitations: Not available for inserts wrapping.
IN REVIT 2024: If you search for a word included in a “parent”, the child nodes won’t show up if they don’t have that word. For example, if you search for “Detail”, a view under the Detail View that doesn’t have the word detail in its name won’t show.
IN REVIT 2025: All “child” views of a parent will show up in resultsif the keyword is found in the parent. For example, if you search for “Detail”, all details will be visible, even if they don’t include that word.
IN REVIT 2024: If you have multiple walls next to one another, you have to manually join them to ensure openings will cut all walls. Also, only one wall is moved by default.
IN REVIT 2025: When creating a wall, you’ll see these “Auto Join” and “Auto Join & Lock” options in the ribbon.
For this to work, the wall has to be modeled exactly in the correct spot, next to another wall. If so, the walls will be automatically joined together. In this example, the window now cuts through both walls.
You can also pick the Auto Join & Lock option. In addition to joining, this creates a lock constraint between both walls. It has the same effect as doing align and lock.
Keep in mind: too many constraints in a project slow things down. I don’t recommend using this tool at scale. This could be helpful for finish floors such as ceramic in bathrooms and kitchens.
Overall: this new “Auto Join & Lock” doesn’t do anything you can’t already do in Revit. It might remove a bit of manual work. Not bad, but this isn’t blowing my mind.
IN REVIT 2024: Room perimeter doesn’t include inner loops.
IN REVIT 2025: If the room has an inner loop, it will be added to the perimeter value.
That's it for the most interesting features! But there's more. Here are more general features:
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