Free Revit Add-In of the Week: Isolate Warnings
Mar 18, 2020
Isolate Warnings is a great free add-in made by Archisoft. It allows you to visualize warnings in a Revit model. It is the third free add-in we are exploring this month.
Warnings can severely impact the performance of your model if left unchecked. The default tools to help you solve warnings are not very good, so add-ins can help.
Download the add-in here: Isolate Warnings Add-in
The first step is to go to the Warnings menu, located in the Manage tab. Then, click on the Export button. Name your file and save it in the .html format.
Now, you are ready to use the Isolate Warnings add-in. Click on the icon, then select the .html file you have just created.
The add-in will automatically create two 3Dviews: one called IsolateWarningElements and one called OverrideWarningElement.
In the 3D view called OverrideWarningElement, elements that have an associated warning will appear with a solid green pattern and red outlines graphic override.
If you go to the 3D view called IsolateWarningElements, elements affected by a warning will be isolated.
If you select one of these elements, the Show Related Warnings icon will appear in the contextual tab.
Once you reach the “Show Related Warnings” menu, you will get a description of the warning. In this case, we have 2 different warnings. One of the overlapping wall and room separation line. Another for walls overlap.
In certain cases, Revit allows you to take action immediately. In the case below, you can click on Delete Checked to delete the room separation line.
There is a lot to say about managing warnings in Revit, but let’s keep that for an upcoming blog post. Meanwhile, check out our free pamphlets publication about the great pyRevit add-in.
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