9 Steps to Generate a Feasibility Study Using Testfit

Apr 26, 2021

A big reason why I became an architect stems from all the hours spent playing Sim City 2000 as a kid. Think about it: you learned about keeping a budget, zoning, transportation, pollution and keeping all your advisors happy.

When I first opened TestFit, I immediately had a flashback to my Sim City years. You have no idea what TestFit is? Here is what the software does: “TestFit’s algorithms and co-creation tools help developers, architects, urban planners and more to solve site plans for hotels, parking or multifamily buildings in seconds. TestFit is The Ultimate Building Configurator.

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Testfit seems like a derivative of Sim City, but more toward the developer/feasibility studies side. There’s something that feels video-game ish in the way the software operates. The team should consider putting the software on Steam and calling it “Real Estate Deals Simulator.” Maybe we would get a new generation of architects with a love for generative design?




Using TestFit to Solve Site Constraints

This post explores how architects can use this software. I imagined a bunch of folks putting constraints on you and using TestFit to solve them. I’ve used the downtown spot of my hometown, St-Georges, QC, Canada, as the site. That site was the subject of my master's degree back in college.


Step #1 - Find the Site on the "Underlay" Menu

First, we go to the underlay menu in TestFit and type in the address. This menu is linked to Google data. Pan around to find the exact site.

As you can see, the folks in my hometown decided it was a good idea to build a mall next to the river. Let’s get rid of it and build something better!


Step #2 - Draw the Site Boundaries

In the main menu, switch from underlay to site. Click on the draw button.

Draw the boundaries of the site by clicking on the satellite image. The boundary shouldn’t include roads. Complete the loop.

Once you complete the site boundaries, you should already see an automatic building proposal! Check this out:


Step #3 - Switch to 3D View

Seing the proposal on the site plan is fun, but 3D views are obviously better. Click on the “Toggle 3D” button at the bottom of your screen.

Check out the 3D view created:


Step #4 - Experiment With Multiple Presets

Now, go to the Configurator menu. On the left, you will see a bunch of presets, offering pre-made building configurations. Let’s experiment with them.

My first reaction to some of these presets is that they are parking-oriented. TestFit is based in Dallas, the land of car suburbia. It might explain the infatuation with parking. Still, these settings can always be customized and there is a parking-less option called “unparked”.

Step #5 - Set Zoning Code Constraints

Let’s bring in the city urbanism guy to see what he has to say about zoning constraints:

Go back to the Site menu. On the left panel, you will see “global setback”. Since the lowest value is 10’, that’s the value we’ll use for the global setback. You should see the shape of the building change when setbacks are adjusted.

Global setbacks have a broad effect on all sides of your site. Alternatively, you can select one of the setbacks and individually move it or set a specific setback value. To please the urbanist guy, we’ll set the front setback to 20’.


Step #6 - Set Balcony Depth Into Setback

Time to bring in the Fire Marshall to see what he has to say:

Great! TestFit has a tool just for that. It’s called “balcony depth into setback” and you can find it in the site menu. Once it is set, you’ll see the balconies will slightly cross the setback line.


Step #7 - Set Building Constraints

We’ve set all the zoning setbacks and constraints. Now, let’s make sure the building itself is compliant. Go to the “building input” menu. Collapse the “building menu”.

Here, there is a lot to play width. You can manually set the number of levels, the corridor width, the floor to floor height, etc. Again, the shape of the building will automatically adjust.

Here is the jaw-dropping feature: you can drag and drop the height of the building. The shape will automatically adjust and offer different configurations.


Step #8 - Set Unit Types Ratios

Your client wants specific percentage values for each type of unit. Go back to the “Configurator” and play around with the percentage values. By dragging the lever to “prefer weight,” you’ll ask TestFit to stick as close as possible to these percentages.

At the bottom of your screen, you’ll see the actual percentage, colour and number of units for each type:

In this example, TestFit uses default layouts for the apartments. You can create custom layouts, but that will be for another blog post.


Step #9 - Export to Revit Using Dynamo

We could mess around for hours with the configurator, but let’s pretend everything is done and you’re ready to export to Revit.

TestFit made a bunch of Dynamo scripts you can use. 

First, you’ll need to download all these Dynamo packages:

  • TestFit

  • Clockwork


  • Spring nodes

  • JsonData

  • Data-Shapes

There are multiple scripts for multiple workflows, but for now, we’ll use TestFit Building to Revit. Add the script to your Dynamo Player folder and click play. You will see the menu below. Select the TestFit file and each wall, roof and floor type from Revit you wish to use.

The process might take a few minutes. Here is the result inside Revit:

Quite amazing, eh? Using TestFit really made me ponder about the future of architecture. Architects can now be developers? Or developers can now be architects? The future of AEC is wild.


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