6 Tips to Master Revit Filters

bim management Jun 13, 2017

 While visibility of elements can be controlled using worksets and override graphics in view, the most efficient way is to use filters. Filters gives you a lot of freedom and lets you be creative on how you want elements to display. Enjoy these tips.


1- Add a New Filter to Your Project

In the view tab, you will find the Filters tool just next to Visibility/Graphics and Thin Lines. You can also access Filters by going to Visibility Graphics menu (shortcut: VG) and clicking Filters.

To add a new filter to your project, click on Edit/New button in the menu.

To add a new filter to your project, click on Edit/New button in the menu.


CREATE FILTER: The first step is to click the button to create a new filter. Use the "Define Rules" filter for the moment.


SELECT CATEGORY: Then, select one or multiple categories to be included in your filter. In this example, we pick walls.


PICK FILTER RULES: Now, pick the filter rules. That means you have to select a parameter available from the element category and set a constraint. In this example, the filter will include all walls with a Fire Rating greater than 60.


2- Filters Are Applied to a Single View

Your filter is now in the project, but you still need to bring it to a view for it to have an actual effect. Go to the Filters tab and click on the "Add" button. The filter is now added to the view you are currently in.


3- Make Filtered Elements Invisible

One of the most common use of the filter feature is to make elements invisible in a view. Uncheck the visibility parameter for the filter in the filters submenu: all walls with a fire rating above 60 minutes will be hidden.


4- Change the Filtered Elements Visual Style

The other way to use filters is to change the visual style of filtered elements. In this case, we set a red solid pattern fill for all cut walls that have a fire rating above 60.


5- Add Filters to View Templates

Filters become extremely useful when added to view templates. That means filters can be applied to multiple views in a single click. In big projects, taking control of filters with view templates is critical. In the view template management window, make sure the filters box is ticked.


6- Create a Selection Filter

In previous tips, we used parameters to create rule-based filters. It is also possible to create a filter using a saved selection of elements.

Go to a view and pick any elements you want. Then click the Save Selection button in the contextual tab.

This selection filter is now available in the filters menu and can be used in the exact same way as rule-based filters.

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